Healing Generational Trauma and Emotions

Did you know that your parents and grandparents unhealed traumas can be passed along to future generations of family members?   Each new generation is supposed to heal it as it came to them.  Each sibling will inherit a different cellular make up and past trauma memories.  The trauma is imprinted in our cellular make up and it can be those cells that get passed on at the inception of each new generation.  

You live your life from a foundation of life experiences imprinted as memories on your cells and not all of them are yours.  Many of these unhealed traumas and emotions are the result of situations, places and times, lies, misunderstanding, bad intentions and more.  

Free yourself from burdens of the past generations so that you can set your children, grandchildren free. This is how we change the world we live in and the one we want for our children!

BOOK YOUR FREE BONUS SESSION compliments of the 2023 Energy Almanac, TEXT ME AT 207-615-5380 with your name and say FREE READING/ENERGYALMANAC

I'll respond back to you to confirm receipt of your text and obtain your email address for further connection and send you the detailed report.

Your remote Generational Scan will be run by me from my office while you linger at home. After we connect, I will tap into your energy frequency, produce a detailed reading, then email it to you with tips, ideas, and suggestions for issues to work on. 

Congrats to you for doing some non-toxic, drug-free, personalized self-care!